Monday, February 16, 2015

Articulation for Junior Year

Were we all born to die? Surely our cells age through every division via mitosis as each succession causes a loss in DNA strands due to the nature of DNA polymerase. Is the fabric of our lives an arrow that crawls from the cradle to the grave? Our time comes and when it does, can you really say you've lived a full life worth remembering, worth dying for? The Greeks believed that only through acts of heroism is a life worth remembering and therefore is a complete and satisfying one.

What constitutes a satisfying life? Is it one where we try to benefit the world in some way, to accelerate and progress mankind? Or is it simpler than that and only depends on individual happiness? Were hunter-gatherers more happy before they settled down and had new worries such as crop failure and territory? Through recent investigations of our fellow ancestors, some might say the life of a hunter-gatherer is simpler and consisted of more free time for leisure activity.

Does one really need to take AP classes? Why must we do all of these things in the first place? Will our progress and achievements really matter in the long run? The universe is made of matter and nothing is forever. So with the short time we have should more of it be spent doing the things that make us happy. More time should be spent on entertainment and leisure activity. Sure, society won't advance much but looking through history, one can see that one man's accomplishment usually meant another's suffering. For example, the industrial revolution reaped great wealth for some and miserable working conditions for most.

So stop the worries. In the end, we'll all just die. Our dreams crumble into ashes as our future blows away but that's okay. Hakuna Matata. No worries. Live life the way it you want to. Run, enjoy a sunset, or just stop and listen to the music of nature. Earth will be inhabitable in a couple million of years anyways. The sun will burn it. So relax. Life begins the moment you stop worrying.

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